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Overtone Joyful Music 50

  • $ 1,730.00

Model Descriptions:

When people talk about “holy grail” guitar tones, there are names that inevitably come to mind for most guitarists.  Brilliant players like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Angus and Malcolm Young, Eddie Van Halen, James Hetfield, and Robben Ford have changed music as we know it not only with their undeniable skills as writers and players, but also with sonic signature.

One of such brilliant players is John Mayer.

While we have no affiliation with any of these players, their influence in our work can be seen to those attentive.

The Joyful Music! 50 is a clone of the amplifier largely responsible for Mr. Mayer’s amazing tone.  While this won’t get you an amazing collection of Rolexes, or help you date the most beautiful women on the planet…you’ll at least sound good!

Think of the JM50 as the mellow, wise brother to the SSS 50.  While the SSS is all about power, the JM has a similar signature but delivers it more sweetly (and less earth shatteringly loud).  The dynamics are a bit bouncier, more vintage-feeling.  Tonally, the two amps are somewhat similar, but the JM is much cleaner, a little sweeter on the high end, and has a more prominent midrange more similar to other OTS amplifiers.  The JM is also more stripped down in its features (and wiring), which equates to a bit more pure-to-the-guitar tone.

As with all Ceriatone amplifiers, we’ve obsessed over component selection, and it uses our specially designed, custom transformers for superior reliability, frequency response, and feel.

Head Dimension : 21 x 10.5 x 11.35 inches / Actual weight = 23kg

Combo 1×12 Dimension : 21 x 10.5 x 22.75 inches / Actual Weight  Sans Speaker =

YouTube Video Thumbnail
Joyful Music 50 - Clip 1
YouTube Video Thumbnail
Joyful Music 50 - Clip 2
YouTube Video Thumbnail
Joyful Music 50 - Clip 3
Power Output
50 Watt
Feature Overview
  • Bright, Deep, and Mid-Boost toggle switches
  • Treble, Middle, Bass equalization
  • LUSH 3-tube spring reverb with Send and Return controls
  • Contour control (replaces Presence) allows for better control over high frequency balance in power section
  • Passive effects loop
  • Full/Half Power switch
  • Tubes
  • Power : 2 x 6L6GC
  • Preamp : - 4 x 12AX7/ECC83, 1 x 12AT7/ECC81
  • Rectifier : Solid State
  • Complete Amp
    Complete Head Unit
    $ 1,730.00
    26.0 KG
    Full working chassis in head cabinet.
    Without tubes
    $ 1,570.00
    26.0 KG
    Full working chassis without tubes in head cabinet.
    Without head cabinet
    $ 1,510.00
    17.0 KG
    Full working chassis without head cabinet.
    Without head cabinet and tubes
    $ 1,350.00
    17.0 KG
    Full working chassis without tubes and head cabinet.
    Complete Combo 1x12 Unit
    $ 1,785.00
    35.0 KG
    Full working chassis in combo 1x12 cabinet, sans speaker. Email us to enquire on speaker choice.
    Overtone Joyful Music 50 Kits
    Package 1
    $ 680.00
    8.0 KG
    All components with unassembled board, faceplate, and chassis. No OT, no PT, no choke, no reverb transformer, no tubes and no cabinet. Reverb tank included.
    Package 2
    $ 950.00
    17.0 KG
    All components with unassembled board, faceplate, chassis, choke, OT, PT and reverb transformer . Only tubes and head cabinet not included. Reverb tank included.
    Package 1 with assembly
    $ 1,080.00
    8.0 KG
    All components with assembled board, front plate, rear plate, and fully assembled in chassis. No OT, no PT, no choke, no reverb transformer, no tubes and no cabinet. Reverb tank included.
    Unassembled board
    $ 250.00
    2.5 KG
    Eyeleted, Sprague PS caps, RN65D and CF resistors, Teflon wired
    $ 220.00
    22.0 KG
    Weight is for empty head cabinet only
    Combo 1 x 12 cabinet
    $ 275.00
    35.0 KG
    Price and weight is for empty combo cabinet, without speaker. Email us to enquire on speaker choice.
    $ 80.00
    4.0 KG
    Laser Punched Steel, Thickness 1.5 mm
    Front plate
    $ 30.00
    1.5 KG
    Plexi/Acrylic, Reversed Silk Screened
    Rear plate
    $ 30.00
    1.5 KG
    Plexi/Acrylic, Reversed Silk Screened
    Power & Output Trans, Choke & Reverb Transformer
    $ 270.00
    11.5 KG
    12AX7 x4, 12AT7 x1, 6L6GC x2
    $ 160.00
    3.5 KG
    Ceriatone Joyful Music 50
    Ceriatone Joyful Music 50
    Ceriatone Joyful Music 50
    Ceriatone Joyful Music 50


    Ceriatone Joyful Music 50


    Ceriatone Joyful Music 50

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