Are you experienced?
Introducing the JTM45/100 Experienced. This is an amplifier made famous by Jimi Hendrix, but was also invokes tones of early Clapton, the Young brothers, and other classic rock tones.
You can think of this as a sort of 100W JTM45, but with solid-state rectification and unique filtering for an amplifier of this power. The result is a highly responsive and versatile amp known for some of the best clean AND crunch tones available.
Like other Ceriatone amps, we have labored carefully to select the finest components to suit the design, and the JTM45/100 uses our specially designed, custom transformers for superior reliability, frequency response, and feel.
Head Dimension : 25.75 x 8.35 x 10.35 inches / Actual Weight: 24kg