To introduce yourself to the OTS FM Modern Eagle Mod 100 , we first recommend you familiarize yourself with the OTS FM 100 by visiting its page.
The OTS FM Modern Eagle Mod 100 starts with the amazing FM 100 , and adjusts a few aspects of the amplifier to make it easier to play across volume levels, as well as add a few features that we feel really improves an already great amplifier.
Comparatively, the Modern Eagle is LESS dependent on high volume to reach the sweet spots. We also adjusted the Preamp Boost to sound slightly fatter and less over-the-top. Finally, we’ve offered more flexibility with a 3-way bright switch, as we felt the FM was already quite bright.
While the FM is irreplaceable for the purist, we feel that the FM Modern Eagle Mod will be a better fit for most players WITHOUT sacrificing what makes the FM so special.
As with all Ceriatone amplifiers, we’ve obsessed over component selection, and it uses our specially designed, custom transformers for superior reliability, frequency response, and feel.
Head Dimension : 21 x 10.5 x 11.35 inches / Actual weight = 26kg
Head With C-lator Dimension : 21 x 10.5 x 11.35 inches / Actual weight = 29kg
Combo 1×12 Dimension : 21 x 10.5 x 22.75 inches / Actual Weight Sans Speaker =
Overtone Special FM Modern Eagle Mod 100
Overtone Special FM Modern Eagle Mod 100